2019 Technical Summary

January 12, 2020

Here is the summary of the 2019 year from the technical perspective.

Also, you can check the previous 2018 year summary, and to compare the level of achievements comparing to the previous year, and how actual results for 2019 are different from planning at the beginning of the year. This actually where I think the most value of planning is - the retrospective of how things went, make lessons, adjust, plan and move forward.

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dynocsv: Export DynamoDB table into CSV

January 1, 2020

This is the first post in the series of posts covering the Open Source projects I am working on.

That post in particular covers dynocsv, which allows exporting DynamoDB table into the CSV file, either the whole table or part of it by query with hash/sort keys, both on table or index.

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JFuture 2019 Notes

November 26, 2019

About a week ago (on November, 16th, Saturday) this year I attended (although for the first time) JFuture conference.

The set of topics was the ideal match of the areas which I am at the moment highly interested in. And which are very relevant for the current state of the industry. Very great job by the program committee!

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Building SNAP

November 14, 2019

In my spare, I develop open-source tools for various topics. Mainly the tools which support the project I am working on. Depends on the type of tool there are different distribution strategies.

One of the distribution options is to build and publish the snapcraft.

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Running JavaFX application on Amazon Linux remotely over SSH using Amazon Correto

November 7, 2019

Recently I was trying to build the docker image for running my JavaFX DynamoDB Manager application. While it proves to be possible (although it looks like you have to apply various techniques to make it work on all platforms: Linux, Windows, and macOS) I was currently focused on the Linux platform only.

As I wanted it to be distributed over Docker and publish the image into the Docker Hub I didn't want the image to be based on the Oracle JDK 8 due to the licensing issues but use OpenJDK instead.

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