Power of daily

July 12, 2016

This is not a typical technical post. This is an attempt to restart the process, and start it over, in some sense. A lot has been happening for the last 6 months - a new startup joined (10+/7, surely not 24/7 :), a baby was born, lots of thinking about the future. The way I would like to work, the place I would like to be, the life I would like to live.

And obviously very very little of a free time for anything outside of the family or work.

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Debian automation with Ansible

December 27, 2015

This year (2015) I have to re-install/partially re-install Debian on my laptop several times. Not because I have a lot of free time or like to do it :)

First time I've upgraded into SSD from HDD, which then has been broken in 6 months, so I have to switch back to old HDD, but as I had Debian 6 (squeeze) installed there I've upgraded to wheezy and then to jessie. Which went fine.

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Small experiment with Git as a data storage

December 12, 2015

Lets imagine you need to collect a small data about, lets say, your users, or some trivial application metrics. Also, you will collect the data for only limited period of time. So, the only requirement of the solution is to be able to keep the data safe, and have an easy access to it, better without installing extra software. Consider, as well the operational burden you want to minimize, and utilize as less paid services and servers as possible. What would be your storage of choice? ;) It sounds like that storing data in a file would be a reasonable option to go, but how to protect against data loss? The answer is...


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Every project should have a decisions making file

November 9, 2015

Have you ever wondered when joining a new project, or exploring a public project on GitHub why specific decisions were made, what was the motivation behind those decisions, if any, what were the alternatives considered? I definitely am.

Projects might have nice architectural diagrams, API, technical documentation, this is all good, and valuable assets, but without knowing the reasoning behind why that exact architecture or even stack was chosen will impact the in-depth of the project understanding, quality of the project in the longer term and maybe even the passion around the project the developers have.

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You are the DevOps

September 27, 2015

Amazon applies the motto “You build it, you run it”. Which I firmly believe.

It might be more difficult to do it in the past, more costly and less reusable between the products, but it is much more easier nowadays (although still not for free) with the tools like docker, provisioning tools like ansible, puppet or chef, deployment tools like capistrano or fabric, lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers like foreman (and its plugins) and availability of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS (Amazon AWS, Digital Ocean, Google App Engine, to name a few), together with continuous integration like Travis and continuous delivery tools.

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